Use "deep|deeper|deepest" in a sentence

1. I consider deep-water Cranking to be anything deeper than 10 feet

2. The deepest research well in the world, the Kola superdeep borehole, is 12 kilometres (7 mi) deep.

3. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States and has a deep pure blue color

4. The precondition that preserves subaqueous fan is the backwater environment of deeper or deep lacus.

5. The deep recessed P+ junction may be deeper than a termination structure in the transistor device.

6. My deepest apologies.

7. The most famous is the Bathyscape Trieste, which reached the deepest point on the Earth's surface, the Challenger Deep in the

8. Birdsong proves that while the scars of war may run deep, the everlasting compulsion of love runs deeper.

9. Bathyal Zone The Bathyal zone lies deeper than the continental shelf but shallower than the deep ocean floor

10. Cuvier's Beaked whale is pelagic, inhabiting waters deeper than 1,000 feet (300 m).It has the deepest and longest recorded dives among whales at 9,724 feet (2,964 m) and 122

11. When those sources were exhausted, they dug deeper with metal tools, enlarging caves and carving out deep shafts and tunnels.

12. I spiraled deeper and deeper into a depression.

13. Dreams reveal a person’s “deepest desires and deepest wounds.” So Analyzing your dreams helps you

14. We're heading deeper and deeper into wildling territory.

15. They dug deeper and deeper but still found nothing.

16. Please accept our deepest sympathies.

17. Probe deeper!

18. The dam will be deepest here.

19. And I found myself getting deeper and deeper into trouble.

20. The government was sinking deeper and deeper into the mire .

21. Doesn't astigmatism take glasses degree can deeper and deeper ah?

22. But as I search deeper and deeper I stumbled upon endurance.

23. Crevasses are seldom more than 46 m (150 ft) deep but in some cases can be 300 m (1,000 ft) or even deeper.

24. You're only gonna get deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole.

25. He plunged back into the deepest discouragement.

26. The deepest Crevasses may exceed 30 m.

27. 5 Let the deepest darkness* reclaim it.

28. We got deeper and deeper, until it was at Dereck's chest-height.

29. As he drove up the mountainside, the snow gradually became deeper and deeper.

30. To all passengers we express our deepest apologies

31. For your understanding, I express my deepest gratitude.

32. He is a villain of the deepest dye.

33. I was stimulated to examine my deepest thoughts.

34. I gotta go deeper.

35. The horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.

36. Down -- and as the sun gets brighter they go a little deeper, little deeper.

37. And I see no point in getting deeper into acrimonies ...(Unclear)... of deeper engagement.

38. Bosoms: the seat of one's deepest thoughts and emotions.

39. In the deepest water is the best fishing. 

40. Cockles of (one's) heart The deepest part of oneself

41. The Bailouts send our deepest condolences to his family

42. Please accept my deepest condolences on the tragic loss.

43. Buying that was something out of my deepest obsessions.

44. Please accept my deepest Condolences for your family's loss.

45. Core: the seat of one's deepest thoughts and emotions.

46. The Bailouts send our deepest condolences to his family

47. On January 23, 1960, Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh boarded the Bathyscaphe Trieste sea vessel and descended to the deepest part of the ocean: The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench

48. When cracks fill with water, the weight of the water forces them deeper and deeper.

49. Handpumps, however, can only be used where the water table is less than 60 metres deep; Boreholes which are deeper than this will require a motor pump.

50. You're in the deepest shit you've ever been in.

51. So it's the deepest geological bore hole ever drilled.

52. Bathyscaphes can dive deeper than a person with scuba gear, and even deeper than submarines

53. Cockles of (one's) heart The deepest part of oneself

54. Please accept my deepest Condolences for your family’s loss

55. One of the most important Bathyscaphes was the Trieste from the 1960s, reached the deepest known point on the Earth’s surface, the Challenger Deep, in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

56. Most crucially: Does a serious chef who is also ambitious have to sacrifice his or her deepest culinary values, his love of and respect for the deep Authenticities of food as a …

57. Under Christendom’s influence, the world sinks deeper and deeper into violence and immorality (See paragraph 20)

58. Big Bluegills spawn deeper than small ones, so it can pay to fish deeper than usual

59. Bathyscaphes can dive deeper than a person with scuba gear, and even deeper than submarine s

60. As the water sinks deeper and deeper into the earth, it leaches minerals from the rocks.

61. My deepest Condolences on the loss of your sister/brother

62. Our deepest sympathies go out to her husband and children.

63. The system's deepest station, Admiralteyskaya, is 86 metres below ground.

64. It's an open heart that's vulnerable to the deepest wound.

65. Alevins move deeper in larger gravel

66. 15 Deep high of sculpture of extensive pattern furniture, grinding work is careful, in quite the west suffers to build carven influence on degree, sculpture administrative levels is deeper.

67. She felt the deepest respect for his skill at dissemBling.

68. 6 The rector offered his deepest sympathy to Richard's parents.

69. Back in the mews, in the deepest shadow, something cowered.

70. Or delve deeper into particular destinations.

71. But we must now probe deeper.

72. Are deeper rumbles in the offing?

73. It's a manifestation of something deeper.

74. It is deeper than the Grave.

75. The country plunged deeper into recession.

76. I sank deeper into my misery.

77. storms make trees take deeper roots.

78. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world.

79. Its harbour forms the second-deepest natural port in the world.

80. We scraped along, edged forward, bumping into one another, feeling our way deeper and deeper into the church.